Situation in the EEP:
Compared to the situation at 31st December 1992 the status of the population improved. 123.124.36 birds were counted at the end of 1993. 9 new participants joined the EEP. However, 6 participants left the EEP, including one of the really successful private participants, which is a great pity.
Whereas in 1992 16 chicks hatched, of which 13 survived, the numbers increased to 26 hatched chicks in 1993 and 20 survived. 27 pairs laid at least 76 eggs in 1993, including 8 pairs, who laid for the first time. There were more eggs, but in many cases an inspection of the nestbox after the breeding period had ended was not carried out or there were only pieces of eggshell. Several pairs laid more than one clutch, where the first clutch was infertile or the eggs broken. The number of founder birds is now 67.
For the first time there were more hatchlings than mortalities in the EEP. 22 deaths were recorded, including 3 thefts from Leipzig Zoo and one escaped privately owned bird.. Unfortunately autopsy results and thereby the cause of death is not reported in many cases. This should be done in every case as required by the guidelines.
Again there were many transfers between participants. Now there are very few unpaired adult birds.
The next meeting of the species commission will be held at the EEP conference in Alphen/NL.
Note: Dr. Lücker, who prepared the above report four years ago, is no longer EEP studbook keeper. This task has been taken over bz Stefan Patzwahl. We shall endeavour to obtain up-to-date reports for publishing on the BLUE MACAWS Website.
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" Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret "
( If you drive out nature with a pitchfork, she will soon find a way back)
Horace (65-8 BC)