Entry on Hyacinthine macaw in the Ornithologischer Atlas

in the Ornithologischer Atlas by Carl-Wilhelm HAHN, 1834-5

The Ornithologischer Atlas oder naturgetreue Abbildung und Beschreibung der aussereuropäischen Vögel (Engl: Ornithological Atlas or natural depiction and description of birds from outside Europe) was started by Carl-Wilhelm Hahn (1786-1835) in 1834 and continued by Heinrich Carl Küster after Hahn’s death of a chest infection at the end of 1835 just before his 49th birthday. Altogether 17 parts were published between 1834 and 1841 by C.H.Zeh’sche Buchhandlung, a publisher in Nuremburg. Two entries are of direct interest to this website, one on the Hyacinthine Macaw published in Part 4 issued in 1834-5, and the other on the Glaucous Macaw in part 16 issued in 1840. The first number is the page number and the second the illustration number.



Nr. 25

Psittacus hyacinthinus                                                

Hyacinthblauer Ara

P. Schnabel sehr gross und schwarz; Leib violettblau, an Kopf und Hals blässer; Kehle und Augenkreise nackt und gelb.

Länge 2 Schuh 4 Zoll

Psittacus hyacinthinus, Lath. Kuhl.

Levaill. Perroq.

Vaterland. Im Innern von Brasilien; an den Kisten findet er sich nicht vor.

Aufenhalt. Grosse Wälder

Nahrung. Früchte

Fortpflanzung. Unbekannt

Eigenheiten und Sitten. Wie vor.

Abgebildet nach einem ausgestopften Vogel in der zoologischen Sammlung der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München.


Website translation:

Hyacinth blue macaw

Bill very large and black; body violet blue, paler on the head and neck, throat and area around eyes bare and yellow.

Length 2 feet 4 inches.

Country of origin: Interior of Brazil; it does not occur on the coast.

Where found: Forests.

Diet: fruits

Reproduction: unknown.

Peculiarities and habits: as above.

The illustration is based on a mounted specimen in the zoological collection of the Royal Academy of the Sciences in Munich.

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 " Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret "

( If you drive out nature with a pitchfork, she will soon find a way back)

Horace (65-8 BC)