Spix's macaw population 2016
In September I had the pleasure of presenting at the Parrot Society UK's 50th anniversary proceedings at Chester Zoo. I spoke on the Spix's Macaw providing a history of the species with some unique historic video footage and the present situation. I have already reported on the latest situation very recently, but should like to provide some additional information on the world's population of Spix's macaws. At the end of 2015 there were 127 macaws:
Al-Wabra (Qatar) 86 (36 males, 50 females)
ACTP (Germany) 12 (7 males, 5 females)
Nest (Brazil) 12
Switzerland 17
Total 127
At the time of speaking 21 had been hatched so far this year - 17 at Al-Wabra and 4 at ACTP.
The release programme will become operational when the world population reaches 150. That was originally planned for 2020, but it looks as if the required number of 150 will be achieved in 2017.
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