As the Blue Macaws website is being constantly updated with new material and images, I have decided to report on these additions so that frequent visitors can access them quickly and easily. Please remember to send me feedback by e-mail occasionally. This actually helps!! Please remember to put the word "Anodorhynchus" or something easily recognisable in the subject box, not "Hi" or "Hello" as these words are used extensively in spam e-mail and they will get deleted unread
There are now some 400 images on the website, some on the images pages, but many on the articles pages, which are historical and historic. Click on any item hyperlinked in blue to get images or links to articles elsewhere on the website.
WARNING: It has come to my attention that some fraudsters operating scams out of West Africa have been claiming this website as their own in trying to entice potential buyers in Europe and elsewhere into sending them money for non-existent Hyacinthine Macaws. I should like to make quite clear that I am not involved in any way with the dealing and selling of macaws of any species, let alone Hyacinthine Macaws. This website has always been dedicated to just providing news and information on the conservation and legitimate keeping of blue macaws in aviculture where permitted as well as historical data.
Latest News
Friday 30th August 2024
Nearly thirty years ago I travelled from Bird World in Farnham with a hyacinthine macaw to the BBC studio in West London to take part in the "Going live" programme. I was interviewed by Philip Schofield, who is well known. I have now put the video ... Read More »
" Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret "
( If you drive out nature with a pitchfork, she will soon find a way back)
Horace (65-8 BC)