Bird man wins delay over DNA

" Bird man wins delay over DNA". A report in the Yorkshire Post, a British regional newspaper of 8th June 2002.

A judge has given an internationally renowned breeder of rare parrots seven days to produce genetic evidence that he bred 144 birds and did not import them illegally.

The birds were seized by Customs and Excise, and Harry Sissen faces losing them forever. He values them at more than £100,000, but faces forfeiture after being given a 30-month prison sentence - reduced on appeal to 18 months - for illegally importing three Lear and six blue-headed macaws.

Sissen, of Cornhill Farm, East Cowton, near Northallerton, in North Yorkshire, expressed surprise when Customs and Excise did not produce the DNA evidence at the civil hearing before District Judge Ronnie Anderson at Harrogate Magistrates’ Court.

He claimed DNA test results were "100 per cent" in his favour.

Sissen, 63, has also been ordered to hand over £150,000 which a Crown Court judge ruled was the result of criminal activities.

Judge Anderson adjourned the hearing to June 24 after telling Sissen he had seven days to produce his DNA evidence to the Customs and Excise and the court.

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 " Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret "

( If you drive out nature with a pitchfork, she will soon find a way back)

Horace (65-8 BC)