The Ornithologischer Atlas oder naturgetreue Abbildung und Beschreibung der aussereuropäischen Vögel (Engl: Ornithological Atlas or natural depiction and description of birds from outside Europe) was started by Carl-Wilhelm Hahn (1786-1835) in 1834 and continued by Heinrich Carl Küster after Hahn’s death of a chest infection at the end of 1835 just before his 49th birthday. Altogether 17 parts were published between 1834 and 1841 by C.H.Zeh’sche Buchhandlung, a publisher in Nuremburg. Two entries are of direct interest to this website, one on the Hyacinthine Macaw published in Part 4 issued in 1834-5, and the other on the Glaucous Macaw in part 16 issued in 1840. The first number is the page number and the second the illustration number.
Nr. 76
Psittacus glaucus Vieillot
Sittace glaucua
Der eisenblaue Sittich
Nahe verwandt mit Ps. Hyacinthinus und Spixii, unterscheidet sich aber leicht von ersterem durch geringere Grösse, von letzterer Art durch Schnabelfärbung und Körperbau. Das ganze Gefieder ist wasserblau, gegen das Licht veilchenblau schimmern, jedoch mit Ausnahme der dunkleren Schwung und Schwanzfedern, deren Unterseite schwarzglänzend ist. Schnabel sehr gross, schwarz, Schnabelwurzel kahl, weissgelblich. Männchen.
Weibchen. Dem vorigen ähnlich, nur kleiner.
Azara Voyag. Nr. 273
Macrocercus glaucus Vieill. Nov. Dict. 2. p. 259
Sittace glauca Wagler Mon. Psit. P. 676. nr. 42
Vaterland. Brasilien und Paraguay, nistet in Baumlöchern.
Website translation
Psittacus glaucus Vieillot
Sittace glauca
The Prussian blue parakeet
Closely related to the Hyacinthine and Spix’s Macaws. it differs slightly from the former in its smaller size and from the latter by its bill colouring and body structure. The entire plumage is sea blue, shimmering violet-blue against the light, apart however from the darker wing and tail feathers, the underside of which are glistening black. Bill very large, black, the cere bare, whitish-yellow. Male.
Female. Similar to the foregoing, but smaller.
Azara Voyag. Nr. 273
Macrocercus glaucus Vieill. Nov. Dict. 2. p. 259
Sittace glauca Wagler Mon. Psit. P. 676. nr. 42
Country of origin: Brazil and Paraguay, nests in tree cavities
Note: It is clear from this description and the illustration that Hahn had never seen a Glaucous Macaw. It is also odd that with the German name he referred to it as a parakeet (Sittich)
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Monday 10th February 2025
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" Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret "
( If you drive out nature with a pitchfork, she will soon find a way back)
Horace (65-8 BC)