The Crystal Palace Bird Show
Mr Whitley's Hyacinthine was an easy first-prize winner, Mr Maxwell's Lears coming second ........
(Website editor's note: Mr Herbert Whitley, a member of the Avicultural Society only since 1923, lived at Primley Hill, Paignton in south Devon. His collection of birds and animals , which later became Paignton Zoo, included pairs of Hyacinthine, Lear's and Spix's Macaws in the late 1920s and early 1930s according to several reports in the magazine of the Avicultural Society during this period. More information about Herbert Whitley and his zoo can be found at the Paignton Zoo website
Mr C.T Maxwell lived at No. 1 Shadcroft Avenue, Herne Hill, London SE24 and had been a member since December 1908. He was frequently mentioned as a prize-winner at bird shows held during this period. The show held annually at the Crystal Palace in south London until that great structure was destroyed in a huge fire in 1936 was the national event for the UK)
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Sunday 13th October 2024
Cromwell Purchase reports briefly on Spix’s Macaw project
Cromwell Purchase has just published an up-to-date on the Spix’s Macaw project in Brazil. he writes " We are monitoring 11 in the wild, so 10 left of the original 20 released in 2022, one had to be returned to captivity because of its behavi ... Read More »
" Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret "
( If you drive out nature with a pitchfork, she will soon find a way back)
Horace (65-8 BC)