
Conservation Organisations


Birdlife International

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Brazil

Fonds für bedrohte Papageien - the German parrot conservation organisation

Loro Parque Fundación

The Blues website for The Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis)

Moises Bertoni Fundación, Paraguay

Embrapa (Portguese only)

RENCTAS (Brazilian national network against trade in fauna)

Ambientebrasil - Brazilian environmental portal (Portuguese)

The Society for Conservation in Aviculture (UK)

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Macaw Landing Foundation

The Gabriel Foundation

Hyacinth Macaw Foundation

Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy

American Society of International Law's Wildlife Interest Group

Project Websites

Website of Projeto Arara Azul (English and Portuguese)

Uniderp website, click on icon of Projeto Arara Azul for page for Hyacinthine Macaw Project

Association, Bird Clubs And Similar Organisations

The Parrot Society UK

American Federation of Aviculturalists (AFA)

Neotropical Bird Club

Aves Argentinas (Asociación Ornitologia del Plata) - Spanish only

British Ornithologists' Club

British Ornithologists' Union

Portal for animal communities in the UK

Japanese macaw website (mainly in Japanese with some English)

Zoos And Bird Parks

São Paulo Zoo, Brazil

Loro Parque, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Busch Gardens, Tampa, USA

Houston Zoo, Texas, USA

Birdworld, Farnham, England

Brookfield Zoo, Chicago, USA

Publications - Printed And On-Line


Lexicon of Parrots

Parrots magazine

Atualidades Ornitológicas

Australian Birdkeeper

Gefiederte Welt (German magazine)

Parrot Pages

Information On Eco-Tourism

Pantanal Ecotourism

Pousada Arara Azul (southern Pantanal)

Fazenda Barranco Alto Eco-lodge(southern Pantanal)

Passo do Lontra Parque Hotel (southern Pantanal)

Fazenda Santa Ines/Reserva das Figueiras (southern Pantanal)

Pantanal Park Hotel (southern Pantanal)

Pantanal discovery tour company(southern Pantanal)

Pantanal trekking - ecological expedition company(southern Pantanal)

Pousada Araras Lodge, northern Pantanal

Eco-tourist lodge in Serra dos Tucanos, Atlantic Forest, Brazil

Rainforest Expeditions and Tambopata


Other Interesting Ornithological Links

Joacilei Cardoso and his paintings

Aves do Brasil - Birds of Brazil

Birds Online (German website)

Luiz Claudio Marigo, Wildlife photographer


Breeders, Veterinarian And Avicultural Websites

Raintree Macaws - Joanne Abramson, - USA

Aves International - Gail Worth - USA

Parrots are the Perfect Pet - U.K parrot interest website

Latest News

  • Monday 10th February 2025
    Climate change in the Pantanal

    Cromwell Purchase has warned about climate change in the Pantanal and its effect on the Spix’s Macaw population. Their distribution area now coincides with the first official dry region of Brazil. ACTO is working with the "Blue Sky Caatinga" ... Read More »


 " Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret "

( If you drive out nature with a pitchfork, she will soon find a way back)

Horace (65-8 BC)