Achievement for FbP
The FbP has been extremely active in parrot conservation and helped 104 parrot species in 25 years
In my entry below on 19th September 2014 I referred to my visit to Berlin to the annual convention of the Fonds für bedrohte Papageien (FbP) (Eng: Funds for Endangered Parrots), the sub-group of the Zoologische Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz (Eng: Zoological Society for Species and Population Conservation) (ZGAP) based at Munich Zoo. The FbP was founded 25 years ago so we were celebrating an important jubilee as well as attending a very informative event. The FbP has been extremely active in parrot conservation and in its 25 years existence has raised some US$ 1.5 million for projects all over the world. Altogether 104 parrot species have been helped. This is a very considerable achievement and the members of the Fonds should be congratulated for this.
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