Sissen now faces the prospect of having all 140 of his birds confiscated, and a hearing to determine their future will be held in the next couple of weeks.
Brazilian authorities intend to claim back the Lear’s macaws so they can be re-introduced into their natural habitat.
Speaking after the hearing, Rob Hastings-Trew of Customs & Excise said: "We are very pleased. The Government is committed to abolishing the trade of endangered species and we are glad to see that the courts are also committed to abolishing that trade.
"The Brazilian government have applied for repatriation of the Lear’s macaws and they hope the birds will become part of a controlled breeding programme.
Duncan McNiven, investigating officer from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, said: "This is an important verdict in the most serious case of endangered species smuggling ever to be brought before the British court.
"The Lear’s macaw is rarer than the giant panda, tiger or rhinoceros. Mr Sissen acted with total disregard for the critical situation which this species faces in the wild, and his selfish actions have helped to edge this beautiful parrot closer to extinction.
"However, a message is being sent out from this court that the illegal and destructive trade in endangered species will not be tolerated by the authorities in this country."
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" Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret "
( If you drive out nature with a pitchfork, she will soon find a way back)
Horace (65-8 BC)