The birth of a commitee for the conservation of Lear's and Hyacinthine Macaws
Priorities of the committee would be the protection of the wild population currently estimated at 400 individuals
On 10th May 2003 I reported that a separate committee had been set up by IBAMA, the Brazilian environmental and wildlife protection ministry, for the Hyacinthine Macaw. At the end of May it was announced by IBAMA that there would be a committee dedicated to the conservation of the Lear's Macaw (A. leari). This new committee would consist of representatives of the Biodiversitas Foundation, the RioZoo Foundation - most of the captive Lear's Macaws are being held at Rio Zoo - the Brazilian Society of Ornithology and Busch Gardens, Tampa, as well as IBAMA itself.
Priorities of the committee would be the protection of the wild population currently estimated at 400 individuals, a scientific study of the species' reproduction with work on productivity of young and eggs as well as the introduction of new individuals into the wild population.
A quarantine facility would be set up in Bahia where the macaws already in captivity and any others confiscated or victims of accidents would be kept. A re-release programme would be developed. Tourism, which would allow observation of the wild population, would be promoted.
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